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"We are living in days of refreshing, restoration, and revival. The Church of Jesus Christ is being raised up, and what was lost, stolen, and destroyed is coming back. The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former. I believe that what was done by the early Church will be done by the last days Church.

There are walls of doubt and unbelief that hinder the flow of the Spirit, for the things of the Spirit are accessed and operated by faith. Faith must have a foundation, and that foundation is the Word of God. If faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, then that’s what we need. Doubt comes also. It comes by hearing the word of the world and of natural man. We must tear down the walls of doubt!

This course is not only an opportunity for you to get to know what the Word of God teaches concerning divine healing, but also an opportunity to get to know the Healer Himself. It is out of the overflow of your relationship with Him that you will be a carrier of the healing anointing to the sick and dying of this generation.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is raising up His Church into the true New Testament anointing which is not in Word only, but in power and demonstration. My prayer is that you, too, will be used by God to reach the multitudes and to see them healed."


-Dr. Leon Van Rooyen



Work Cited

Dr. Van Rooyen, Leon. Prayer School. Global Ministries and Relief Inc, 2005. Global Ministries and Relief Inc.

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